
Showing posts from January, 2019

There's a snake in the pool! guys! get out! there's a snake in the pool!

My parents enrolled me into the YMCA summer camp in order to decrease the separation anxiety that I had at the time. I also had a lot of pooping issues, which will play in later. My friend and I were in the pool, and I was enjoying the time in the sun and water playing with the neon pink noodles in the pool. My state of relaxation was soon overcome by fear and worry as I had a bowel movement. The bathroom was a good ten to twenty feet away, and I was in no condition to walk all the way over (the logistics of walking with your butthole clenched was not working out in my eight year old mind).  I made the a decision to just poo in the pool and I did. I was relieved I no longer had to poop, however I was overcome with guilt and thoughts like "What if someone steps on my poop?" "What if accidentally mistakes it for Toblerone chocolate bar?" I could not take the guilt any longer, I needed to get everybody out of the pool, so I quickly shouted "guys! there's a sna...

So many spoons

I'm someone that has to have breakfast, but I'm also someone that will not wake before 6:45 am for her 7 am bus. So, in high school, I brought my breakfast to school every day. Sometimes it was almond butter on toast, sometimes it was a carton of grapes, but most of the time it was a Chobani yogurt (this was before I went vegan). Every day I brought my Chobani, and every day I brought a metal spoon that I endearingly threw into my backpack without washing. Soon it was June and as I was sifting through my backpack to grab my lunch money, an avalanche of Chobani crusted spoons poured onto the cafeteria floor. At least 20.

Those shoes look familiar!

It was the first day of my Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory and I was dreading it. (I don't see the point of labs.) I went to the bathroom to get a quick pee in before class. I walked into the stall, sat down and interestingly enough heard grunts, splatters, and splashes from the stall beside me. To keep myself from laughing, I fixated on the woman's blue leather clogs (ironically enough, because she was far from clogged). I quickly wiped and went on my way. I rushed to orgo and sat down next to my friend, Farah. The professor soon walked in and began to lecture. The lecture winded on and I soon grew bored, so I started examining her outfit. My eyes soon reached her choice of footwear......those blue clogs...

Is it bird shit, cum or the whipped cream portion of a Starbucks Frappuchino?

My roommate and I got charged on our housing bill for a mysterious white stain that appeared under my bed after break. What do you guys think the stain could possibly be ??

I didn't know I played tennis!

In my freshman year of college, an orange unexpectedly rolled under my desk. Months went by, and I searched for my favorite UCLA t-shirt (from the children's section with a little bruin bear face on it) and I found that it had a bright green ball attached to it. I asked myself "Do I play tennis?!" and then I asked my roommate Jennifer "Did you lose a tennis ball? " As I rotated it, it dawned on me that this was no tennis ball, but was the orange from October that was no longer orange...