There's a snake in the pool! guys! get out! there's a snake in the pool!
My parents enrolled me into the YMCA summer camp in order to decrease the separation anxiety that I had at the time. I also had a lot of pooping issues, which will play in later. My friend and I were in the pool, and I was enjoying the time in the sun and water playing with the neon pink noodles in the pool. My state of relaxation was soon overcome by fear and worry as I had a bowel movement. The bathroom was a good ten to twenty feet away, and I was in no condition to walk all the way over (the logistics of walking with your butthole clenched was not working out in my eight year old mind). I made the a decision to just poo in the pool and I did. I was relieved I no longer had to poop, however I was overcome with guilt and thoughts like "What if someone steps on my poop?" "What if accidentally mistakes it for Toblerone chocolate bar?" I could not take the guilt any longer, I needed to get everybody out of the pool, so I quickly shouted "guys! there's a snake in the pool! get out ! there's a snake in the pool!" Everyone got out and I have to this day never felt more heroic.
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